Holistic Approach Principles

Choosing the holistic approach with the added emphasis of making the resident feel safe first, then, finding what makes them comfortable, and a part of their own life design within our environment. We will always learn a resident’s past and present history, this helps us to employ the best rout for positive imagery and relaxation techniques to alleviate behaviors instead of delivering medications- unless the situation truly requires this as a last resort. Additionally, holistic behavioral support can assist residents with developing regular daily routines for continuity of care while encouraging social engagement and support in a home-like setting. In our experience over the years we have found that each person we have cared for dealing with what was said to be “uncontrollable behaviors” have almost always made a complete turnaround and begun to thrive.

Schedule a tour today to discover the warmth of our community firsthand. We’re here to make a difference in your life.